Faculty and Staff

Our nursing students develop relationships with clinically experienced faculty who genuinely care about them in a community that is deeply committed to extending compassion and care to others. Challenging courses are led by clinically experienced faculty whose mission is your success. 

We'd love to talk with you about your future in the School of Nursing! Feel free to contact any of our faculty or staff using the contact information below.

Michaelynn Paul

(509) 527-2150 |波特兰校区| michaelynn.paul@kshgxm.com

Education: D.N.P. Walden University, 2017; M.S. 俄勒冈健康护理学 & Sciences University, 2004; B.S. in Nursing, Walla Walla College, 1987; A.S. 1986年在沃拉沃拉学院获得护理学学士学位

Certifications: R.N.; Alumnus, C.C.R.N.-K.

Clinical expertise: 重症监护、急诊、员工教育、管理

Margaret Carman

Assistant Professor
(509) 527-2461 | College Place campus | margaret.carman@kshgxm.com

Education: M.N. in Population Health, Washington State University, 2022; B.S. 洛马林达大学护理学硕士,2006年

Certifications: R.N.

Clinical expertise: Pediatric intensive care, pediatric critical care transport

Bio: Born and raised in southern California, I'm a very happy transplant to the PNW. 在重症监护室工作了十年之后, 我从没想过我会想教书, and here I am, six years later, loving it. 我真的很喜欢旅行, 在WW的好餐馆吃饭, trying new recipes, 读各种各样的书, 看现场戏剧和音乐剧. My husband teaches computer science here at WWU and we have a young daughter and son who are an incredible combination of sweet, loving, wild and hilarious. 

Mary Cohen

Assistant Professor
(509) 527-2144 |波特兰校区| mary.cohen@kshgxm.com

Education: M.S. in Nursing Education, Western Governors University, 2022; B.S. in Nursing, Western Governors University, 2017; A.A.S. 护理学,圣学院,1991年

Certifications: R.N.

Clinical expertise: Chronic disease, palliative care, hospice, community health

Kayla Cohn

Assistant Professor
(509) 527-2329 |波特兰校区| kayla.cohn@kshgxm.com

Education: B.S. 沃拉沃拉大学护理学硕士,2015年

Certifications: R.N., C.C.R.N.

Clinical expertise: 重症监护,创伤,急救

Rebecca Connell

(509) 527-2461 | College Place campus | rebecca.connell@kshgxm.com

Education: M.A. in School Counseling, La Sierra University, 2002; B.1995年,沃拉沃拉学院社会学学士学位

Expertise: Advising students interested in health-related professions at 3 institutions over 20 years.

Holly Coon 

(509) 527-2336 | College Place campus | holly.coon@kshgxm.com

Education: B.S.N. Loma Linda University, 1996; A.S.N. 洛马林达大学,1995年

Certifications: R.N.

Clinical expertise: 内窥镜检查,产科,哺乳,儿科

Bio: Over the years I've worked in a variety of settings including pediatric ICU stepdown, mother-baby, endoscopy, 绝热教育和管理.  I enjoy tea, musicals, reading, hiking, cycling, birding, backpacking and camping, and love the PNW.  I look forward to working with students and participating in educating the next generation of nurses.

Lorna Dotolo

Adjunct Instructor
College Place campus | lorna.dotolo@kshgxm.com

Education: B.S.N. Grand Canyon University, 2015; A.D.N. 沃拉沃拉社区学院,2012年

Certifications: R.N.

Clinical expertise: 管理,感染控制,医疗/外科护理

Yolanda Hall

Adjunct Professor
Portland campus | yolanda.hall@kshgxm.com

Education: M.S.N., Capella University, 2016; B.S. in Nursing, Walla Walla College, 1987; A.S. 1986年在沃拉沃拉学院获得护理学学士学位

Certifications: R.N.

Clinical expertise: 医疗/ surgial护理

Carol Healy

(509) 527-2101 |波特兰校区| carol.healy@kshgxm.com

Education: B.S. in Office Administration, Southwestern Adventist University, 1983

Bio: Many happy moments include good conversations with students, staff, and faculty, watching birds, taking hikes, and long walks. You will find me reading books and magazines well after I should have gone to bed. My husband and I love our Adventist church in the countryside of Hockinson, Washington. 波特兰校园的三伏天非常有趣.

Nancy Irland

Adjunct Professor
Portland campus | nancy.irland@kshgxm.com

Education: D.N.P., Oregon Health & Science University, 2012; M.S. 俄勒冈健康护理助产学 & Science University, 1998; B.S. in Nursing, University of Portland, 1996; A.S. 1972年,太平洋联合学院护理学学士

Certifications: R.N., C.N.M.

Clinical expertise: More than 25 years at the bedside as a labor and delivery, and postpartum nurse. Practiced as a certified nurse-midwife and a clinical consultant for high risk maternity patients at a tertiary care center in Portland, Oregon. 从事产科护理超过50年.

Bio: I enjoy sleeping in, peanut brittle, variety, writing, cooking, and opportunities to experience as many interesting things as possible. 我不喜欢做家务. I am also an author of more than 15 books for children and adults, many of them now out of print. Textbook publisher F. A. Davis published an NCLEX review for obstetrics that I updated and expanded in 2021. I will be updating the next edition in 2024 for release in 2025.  I carry around two unfinished novels in my head that I plan to finish before life pulls the plug on me. I love to cook it rice and curry since I spent the first 16 years of my life in Burma, India, and Sri Lanka.

Lindsay Loa-Siahaan 

Student Advisor & 临床实习协调员
(509) 527-2163 |波特兰校区| lindsay.loa-siahaan@kshgxm.com

Education: B.S. 沃拉沃拉大学护理学硕士,2020年

Certifications: R.N.

Clinical expertise: 传染病护理

Bio: My nursing journey began here at the WWU School of Nursing. 以B毕业后.S. 获得学位后,我开始从事公共卫生工作.  My passion is to bring compassionate and quality nursing care into the community. I enjoy making music, taking scenic walks, trying new food, 和我丈夫一起旅行, Matt, 还有蜷缩起来,看一本好书,喝杯茶, 与家人和朋友共度时光.

Deanna Ludwig-Bos

Assistant Professor
(509) 527-2131 |波特兰校区| deanna.ludwig-bos@kshgxm.com

Education: M.S. in Nursing Education, Kaplan University, 2014; B.S. in Nursing, Washington State University, 2011; A.A.S. 2009年,哥伦比亚大学护理学硕士

Certifications: R.N.

Clinical expertise: 精神科心理健康护理

Bio: I am passionate about health equity and believe all people should have access to quality healthcare. My favorite Bible verse is Matthew 25:40: "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."


Doug McClay

Assistant Librarian II
(509) 527-2124 |波特兰校区| douglas.mcclay@kshgxm.com

Education: M.S. in Library and Information Service, Drexel University, 2011

Expertise: 图书馆和信息

Annette Riebe

(509) 527-2178 |波特兰校区| annette.riebe@kshgxm.com

Education: M.A. in Educational Leadership, Loma Linda University, 1988; B.S. 沃拉沃拉学院商业教育硕士,1980年

Expertise: 自1980年起从事教育领导工作, 9 years on the secondary level and in higher education since 1989.  超过30年的学生服务/住宿生活

Matthew Siahaan

(971) 401-3744 |波特兰校区| matthew.siahaan@kshgxm.com

Education: Pursuing a degree in architecture, Portland Community College

Leasha Simafranca

(509) 527-2133 |波特兰校区| leasha.simafranca@kshgxm.com

Education: M.S. in Nursing Education, Western Governors University, 2020; B.S. 护理学,联合学院,2015

Certifications: R.N.

Clinical expertise: 医疗重症监护,心血管重症监护

Bio: I was born in Walla Walla WA, but grew up moving all over the U.S. I moved to Portland in 2016 and married my husband Jeff the next year. I started teaching part time in 2018 but then transitioned to teaching full time at WWU in 2020. I have a son Milo who was born March of 2023 and an Australian Shepard named Laylee. I will admit I don’t have many hobbies outside of work because I consider myself lucky to say teaching is my passion and my biggest hobby. However, I do enjoy music, interior decorating, a good TV show, 尝试波特兰的新餐厅, and board games.

Karen Tetz

(509) 527-2144 |波特兰校区| karen.tetz@kshgxm.com

Education: Ph.D. 在老年护理,俄勒冈健康 & Science University, 2003; M.S. in Nursing, Loma Linda University, 1983; B.S. 1977年,沃拉沃拉学院护理学学士

Certifications: R.N.

Expertise: Medical/surgical nursing, hemodialysis, home health, gerontological nursing

Katherine Tolonen

Adjunct Instructor
Portland campus | katherine.tolonen@kshgxm.com

Education: M.S.N. in Leadership and Education, Northwest Nazarene University, 2023; B.S. 沃拉沃拉大学护理学硕士,2001年

Certifications: R.N.

Clinical expertise: 骨科、内科/外科护理

Janice Vigil

Assistant Professor
(509) 527-2108 |波特兰校区| janice.vigil@kshgxm.com

Education: M.N. Oregon Health & Sciences University, 1982; B.S.N., Loma Linda University, 1977; A.S.N.太平洋联合学院,1975年

Certifications: R.N.

Clinical expertise: Neonatal, medical/surgical, IV therapy, critical care, PACU, education, community health

Bio: 我喜欢神学、爵士健身操、园艺和祖先.

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